Future City Tech 2022 – Říčany

The Future City Tech took place on 22-25 June 2022 in the city of Říčany (Central Bohemia region). The conference and trade fair presented modern mobility solutions for urban environments with a number of demonstrations and experiences from many European cities. 

The event was held under the auspices of the Minister of Transport and supported by Czech Invest through the new Innovation Mobility Hub, which is part of the Technology Incubation programme to support innovation and new companies. 

The participants of the event learned about the latest solutions for autonomous mobility (Estonian Auve Tech, Spanish CTAG or Czech Bring Auto), urban logistics and “last mile” solutions (e.g. using bicycle couriers), multimodal and suburban transport (Israeli RoadHub, Czech Citya, Czech Be Rider, French Knot, American Lime) or clean mobility (electric and hydrogen-powered cars by Hyundai ). 

The conference also addressed socially important topics such as the mobility of wheelchair users, who can use new technologies for greater independence and a better quality of life. 

Representatives of Czech cities – Prague, Říčany, Hradec Králové, Plzeň or Příbram – shared their experiences on the issues of urban mobility, but especially foreign cities where many of the presented solutions are already in common use or are being tested: Gemeente Helmond, Gent and others.