We build bridges between industry players, public decision makers, knowledge institutions, cities and municipalities, with a common interest in developing liveable, sustainable and resource efficient communities through the means of technology.
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old
clean, safe, quiet and climate-friendly transportation (eg. cargo bikes and shared micro depots)
transforming urban mobility with autonomous vehicles
Healthy and liveable cities through active mobility
changing the mobility sector business models through the use of several different integrated forms of transport.
development of sustainable alternative drive technology projects and power management
Why ESG? We believe that business should be conducted with a positive approach to the
PARKEDBYME is a groundbreaking project dedicated to enhancing sustainable city transport and optimizing public space
This project presents self-driving autonomous Aurrigo shuttles in the smart city context and tests the
LogiCYCLE project is focused on the creation of delivery (logistics) ecosystems in city centers and
LivingLAPT aims at delivering sustainable/transferrable autonomous shuttle/logistics services among various European cites by phasing out
Ve spolupráci s EIT Urban Mobility přinášíme inovaci do doručování zásilek po Praze – testujeme
PowerHUB posouvá hranice spolupráce s městem Říčany na novou úroveň! Společně jsme vytvořili vůbec první
Join us at the 30th jubilee edition of the international electrotechnical fair AMPER – SMART
Autonomous vehicles returned to the Prague Exhibition Centre in 2023 with other type of vehicle.
The Future City Tech took place on 8 June 2023 in the City of Říčany.
The Living Labs Annual Partners Event 2023 took place on January 12, 2023. The event