City logistics: LogiCYCLE

LogiCYCLE project is focused on the creation of delivery (logistics) ecosystems in city centers and low emissions zones which include not only first-mile or last-mile delivery, but also reverse logistics for commercial product returns. Recently (after covid) the volume of delivered goods but also of returned goods is growing.

Therefore, it is advisable to adapt the entire logistics ecosystem to make the most efficient use of courier services. This applies to trips to urban centers for importing packages as efficiently as possible, but also to pick up returns on the same trip.

LogiCYCLE will be tested in multiple city areas (Madrid and Prague) to upgrade the IT algorithm, design all logistics systems, and find the best usage of cargo transport options. The main benefits of this project for the cities and citizens are more effective local delivery, reducing CO2 emission during delivery, support of Low Emission Zones in cities and effective drop-on and drop-off delivery.

Watch this space, the project will launch in January 2023.

Project website >>


